Thursday, 15 January 2015

Acas early conciliation form changes and slanted market research

ACAS have now added a box which allows the Claimant to include the contact details of their rep so that they might be contacted directly.

Also now the employee must add the employer's details manually.

As an aside, I am expecting market research results to be published soon which show the whole process to be given a big thumbs up not because those forced to used the system think it is necessarily useful but because the questions I was asked as a representative using the system were entirely leading in my view and set up in order to make sure the conciliation process came out glowing.

I am not sure how many representatives have been asked about the specific performance of their ACAS conciliator in a particular case but from my experience their use has been varied depending on the case and the energy of the individual. One worrying point has been that quite a few Claimants have contacted me to say that they had actually received legal advice from an ACAS conciliator, indeed on conciliator actually tried to tell me what I should be advising my client.

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