Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Hot off the Press - At Last Vento Guidelines Uplift!

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has, yesterday, handed down its judgment in the case of Da'Bell v NSPCC.

HHJ McMullen QC, presiding, has held that Vento damages (for injury to feelings in discrimination cases) should be increased to reflect inflation as follows:-
lower band: £ 5,000 to increase to £ 6,000
middle band: £ 15,000 to increase to £ 18,000
upper band: £ 25,000 to increase to £ 30,000

Injury to feelings awards are not punitive but represent suffering. Exemplary damages are available if public servants are involved and aggravated damages if a party has pursued a case unfairly and aggressively.

1 comment:

hannahlovelock said...

I have lodged a 3rd Claim at Emplyment Tribunal against my employer for Disability Discrimination , My Solicitors state a sum of 3k would be adequate for Injury To Feelings ,I think this is an insult , Two previous occasions I became very depressed & had to be admitted to the Priory on the prev occasion ,